Faculty: Reporting Academic Integrity Violations
How to Report Academic Integrity Violations:
Please use the Baruch College Portal for Incident Reporting to report any concerns of academic integrity violations. Please be prepared to provide information on the accused student, and any relevant information or evidence regarding your concerns. Download the Guide for Submitting an Academic Integrity Report (text version of the guide).
Information needed:
- Name of Student and EMPL ID (if applicable)
- Course information
- A narrative/explanation of what occurred
- Any supporting documentation/evidence (exams, links, screenshots, etc.)
Faculty are encouraged to report any concerns of academic dishonesty. The Office of the Dean of Students maintains all records or academic dishonesty and can will be able to identify if a student has had previous incidents. Please note, no information about a student’s previous incidents, or any disciplinary sanctions will be shared outside of the Office of the Dean of Students.
Report an Academic Integrity Violation
Notification of Decision
Once the investigation has been completed, a decision will be made for each party involved and you will be notified (most typically by email) of the outcome. Students are found to be either ‘Responsible’, meaning there was sufficient evidence to determine a likelihood they violated policy, or ‘Not Responsible’, meaning there was not a sufficient amount of evidence to show a likelihood of violating policy.
Faculty are not able to appeal the outcome, though complaints can be submitted to the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students.
Assigning a Sanction
If the student is found Responsible, faculty are able to set the academic sanction. Faculty are encouraged to follow their syllabus, but the most common sanctions include deduction of points, failure on the exam/assignment and/or failure in the course.
Faculty do have the right to ensure that their academic sanction is applied. For example, ff a student drops a course before the sanction for an “F” grade can occur, at the faculty member’s request the Office of the Dean of Students will work with the Registrar’s Office to change the W grade to an F.
Students who fail a course due to academic dishonesty are able to complete that course and continue to attend classes through the semester. Students are also able to make use of the F replacement policy by re-taking a failing grade (assuming they have not exceeded the 16 credit limit), even if that F was connected to academic dishonesty.
A Hearing
Students have the right to appeal the case outcome in three ways: they can appeal the academic sanction through the grade appeal process, they can appeal the disciplinary sanction through the Vice President of Student Affairs or they can request a hearing. If a hearing is requested, the faculty role will be to serve as witness in the hearing, answering questions concerning the incident and the evidence collected. Questions can be from the Baruch representative and from the student. The hearing is run by the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC) which has at a minimum 1 student, 1 staff member and 1 faculty member. If there is a hearing you will be notified by the Office of the Dean of Students of the date and any next steps.
Still have questions?
Contact Annie Virkus-Estrada, PhD, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs