On Campus Recruiting
On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) services allow convenient scheduling of interviews. Our recruiting program is a popular, cost-effective method to access an able pool of candidates with an impressive blend of practical work experience and academic achievement. Please note that all interviews through Starr’s OCR program are currently being conducted using a hybrid model (virtually and in-person).
OCR is an excellent way to build your presence on campus and identify highly qualified candidates. To make the most of your engagement, see the “Campus Presence” section for a list of ways to promote your company. We also recommend that you schedule an information session in an effort to educate students about your firm’s mission, culture and opportunities.
Starr’s OCR team will schedule your interviews for you online through our Handshake platform.
When interviews are in-person, 8 interview rooms are available as well as 1 conference room that can accommodate up to 50 people.
OCR Policies and Procedures for Employers
Employers wishing to conduct interviews for paid internships and full-time opportunities may participate in our On-Campus Recruiting program.
Once your reservation has been completed, you will be sent an email confirmation.
The typical interview schedule for an employer in the program will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m.
30-minute interviews allows 12 candidates per schedule; 45-minute interviews allows 9 candidates per schedule; 60-minute interviews allows 7 candidates per schedule. All schedules include breaks and a lunch hour.