T.E.A.M. Baruch
T.E.A.M. Baruch is a student leadership development program that affords undergraduate students the opportunity to unearth and develop their leadership potential. The program is based on the Social Change Model of Leadership Development developed by the Higher Education Research Institute of UCLA.
T.E.A.M. Baruch Training Program
The T.E.A.M. Baruch training program is a dynamic developmental experience in which students are challenged to introspectively examine who they are as emerging leaders. Through intense self-awareness exercises, students gain critical insights on team dynamics and how working within a high-function team can elicit positive social outcomes. Students are empowered to take action and help make positive social change for the betterment of their community, the Baruch community, and the global community at large.
Successfully completing the T.E.A.M. Baruch training program will enhance your self-awareness, communication, interpersonal, conflict resolution and mediation skills. These key assets are essential to helping you develop strong relationships and will give you the tools you need to help you become a better leader. Successful completion of the training program will prepare students to apply for a host of paid T.E.A.M. Baruch peer leadership positions and initiatives.
T.E.A.M. Baruch Peer Mentor Positions
T.E.A.M. Baruch Peer Mentor positions include:
- First-Year Seminar Peer Mentor
First-Year Seminar (FYS) and Transfer Seminar (TRA) peer mentors play a vital role in acclimating incoming first-year students to the rigors of college life. Peer mentors can be a major influence on the educational goals and successful transition of new students to the college. FYS/TRA peer mentors discuss a myriad of topics that are academic, professional, and personal to new students. They help first-year students explore factors involving adjusting to college culture, planning a course of study, selecting a career, and much more.
Managing Department: New Student and Family Programs (NSFP)
Get more information on FYS and TRA Peer Mentors.
- Orientation Leader
Orientation Leaders are high energy student leaders who specialize in working with incoming first-year and transfer students to ease the stress of transitioning to a new school. OL’s serve as role models and mentors to help all incoming students acclimate to life at Baruch.
Managing Department: Undergraduate Advisement and Orientation
Get more information on Orientation Leaders.
- PAWS: Peers Advocating Wellness Services
PAWS Peer Mentors partner with the Office of Health & Wellness to provide opportunities to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence of students in order to create an environment that supports making healthy and responsible choices consistent with personal values. PAWS Peer Mentors are trained on basic health topics, such as emotional, physical, social, sexual, environmental and mental health, and refer students to on-campus and off-campus resources.
Managing Department: Health and Wellness
For information on P.A.W.S. please contact Kori Deibert at kori.deibert@baruch.cuny.edu.
- Peers for Careers
Peers for Careers are student leaders who are trained to provide resume reviews and career advisement to Baruch students as well as event assistance and project support to the staff of the Starr Career Development Center. Peers emerge from the training process with sharpened knowledge of resume and cover letter writing, solid presentation and networking skills, and substantial knowledge of the career development process which they can apply personally as well. The program offers countless opportunities for leadership and skill-building, and welcomes students who are communicative, energetic, empathetic, and eager to give back to their fellow students in a meaningful and concrete way.
Get more information on Peers for Careers.
- Success Amplified Peer Mentor
Our peer mentors lead mentees through their unique Success Amplified experience (Boot camp and Success Amplified events) and help Success Amplified students throughout the academic year. Peer mentors serve approximately twelve students (Success Amplified Fellows). Mentors are responsible for attending monthly one on one meetings with administration. During this time, we plan and discuss upcoming events. Mentors must also attend monthly professional and personal development workshops and encourage fellows to attend. Lastly, Peer mentors must be creative, as they will collaboratively work with other mentors to host a lounge for their mentees at least one time per semester and contact Success Amplified Fellows at least once per month.
Managing Department: Enrollment Management
Get more information on Success Amplified Peer Mentors.
- Transfer Seminar Peer Mentor
First-Year Seminar (FYS) and Transfer Seminar (TRA) peer mentors play a vital role in acclimating incoming first-year students to the rigors of college life. Peer mentors can be a major influence on the educational goals and successful transition of new students to the college. FYS/TRA peer mentors discuss a myriad of topics that are academic, professional, and personal to new students. They help first-year students explore factors involving adjusting to college culture, planning a course of study, selecting a career, and much more.
Managing Department: New Student and Family Programs (NSFP)
Get more information on FYS and TRA Peer Mentors.
Become a T.E.A.M Peer Mentor
Interested in becoming a T.E.A.M. Baruch Peer Mentor? Recruitment for 2023-2024 opens August 25, 2023. Please see below for the upcoming information sessions to learn more. The T.E.A.M. Baruch Program is open to undergraduate students only.
- Thursday, September 7, 2023: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
- Tuesday, September 12, 2023: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
- Thursday, September 14, 2023: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
- Monday, September 18, 2023: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
- Thursday, September 28, 2023: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
- Monday, October 2, 2023: 2:00pm – 3:30pm (Virtual)
- Thursday, October 5, 2023: 1:00pm – 2:30pm (Virtual)
- Tuesday, October 10, 1:00-2:30pm (Virtual)
- Thursday, October 12; 12:30-2:30pm
Sign up for an Information Session
Questions regarding the T.E.A.M. Baruch Program? Contact margaret.van-ess@baruch.cuny.edu.