Campus Intervention Team (CIT)
Empowering Community Members to Action
The Campus Intervention Team (CIT) works together as a support system to provide assistance to students in crisis. Any member of the college community (faculty, students, staff) can reach out to the CIT to report a concern about a student.
The CIT is constituted to assist in providing support for students of concern. Faculty or staff concerns should be reported to the Office of the Provost or to Office of Human Resources, respectively.
Concerned faculty, staff or students may fill out an Incident Communication Form if they have noticed student behavior which is perceived to be harmful to the student him/herself or to others. This behavior may include:
- Unusual or erratic behavior in class
- Extended absence from class by a typically engaged student
- Written work with troubling themes or references
- Verbal or written threats made by a student toward another student
- Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideation
- Messages on social media with concerning language
- Other actions which cause an alarm or call into question the safety of the student or his/her peers
All reports are confidential and will be handled by members of the CIT.
To alert the CIT to a concern, complete and submit the Incident Communication Form. A member of the team will receive and review your submission. Please note that you may be contacted for follow-up information.
Members of the CIT may be emailed at or call us at 646-312-4570.
The CIT responds to a wide range of student concerns and incidents. Please note that a CIT report is NOT the appropriate way to report sexual harassment, sexual violence, or gender-based harassment, and reports of this nature made to the team cannot be kept confidential. If you need to report information of that nature, please contact Public Safety, the Title IX Coordinator, the Dean of Students, or Human Resources. More information on the reporting process for sexual harassment/violence can be reviewed here.