Services Provided
Accommodations to remove barriers due to a disability are individualized and determined on a case-by-case basis.
If you are an individual with a disability, have a mental health diagnosis, have a learning disability, or have a chronic medical condition, you can officially request accommodations through Student Disability Services (SDS), which is part of Baruch’s Division of Student Affairs. A student with a disability can self-identify by visiting SDS, requesting reasonable accommodations, and if requested provide documentation of their disability to Student Disability Services. This is NOT part of your CUNYFirst (CF) record.
A few typical accommodations are Additional Time for Exams; a Less Distracting Environment to Take an Exam; and Assistive Technology loans from SDS to remove barriers which may exist due to a disability.
For more information contact Student Disability Services at: NVC 2-272 (within Suite 2-255), call (646) 312-4590, or email